What is VA Add Tip Program?
As part of our support campaign in keeping our result-driven VAs motivated, we are adding a 'VA Add Tip’. It is part of our program that allows you, our valued client, to provide an optional monetary reward of your chosen amount for the VA in addition to their payout to support your satisfaction with their service. All our VAs are entitled to receive 100% of the collected amount for their tip.
Is It Important To Tip?
Adding a tip is under our clients’ discretion. We do not require or oblige any of our valued clients to participate when adding monetary tip. You can always leave the ‘Add tip’ section of your invoice blank if you wish not to participate.
Can I Choose Not To Tip?
Absolutely! This is just an additional reward program we provide our VAs from their respective clients for a job-well-done performance. You are not required to participate or contribute a tip in every payout.
Does My VA Aware Of This Add Tip Program?
No. This is an internal added program by us, WorkLink VAs, and is not promoted nor has been disclosed to any of our VAs to ensure that their commitment and relationship at work is not compromised.
How To Send A Tip
Once you have received your Service Invoice, you can then add your desired tip amount on top of the total balance during payment. All VAs are entitled to receive the collected tip amount in full. We will send you a copy of your Service Receipt once the payout has been completed.